In Theory
2012, carved PVC
The twenty most frequent words – and therefore most representative – contained in the art manifestos and in the texts of poetics of the most relevant - and therefore most representative –Italian artists and critics of the Ninth Century: to the most recurring word corresponds proportionally a bigger point size – and therefore more representative. And so following.
The texts, previously gathered and then unassembled through an operation of syntactical hacking, have been so deprived of their logical – and therefore ideological – shape: that is, they have been deprived of what, giving them shape, consigns them to History.
Here, on the other hand, they can free themselves in fragments and they can dominate in the space – and in the space of the mind – in guise of words once again in motion, in a fully potential state. So, of those texts, or better, of the whole of those witnesses, it remains for us the proposal of values, the promise of future. In practice.
The work has been conceived and realized for the opening of “Casa Cavazzini - Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art” of Udine (I).