2010, coated metal profiles
The idea of the project cannot be considered apart from its particular physical collocation, that is a public park: it represents a natural space, planned again as social space, harmonic and architectonic. And this is especially true if, as in this case, it finds itself in a context of "Italian Garden", which is, no wonder, a Renaissance invention and building (Palazzo Rota and its park are from that period) that is able to put man at the center of an organized and culturally mediated experience. An experience conceived, in the end, harmonically on its measure. So we have planned a structure that could be "to live" in the first form of experience, in agreement with the architecture and the social function of the park, physically and conceptually put in its context. The work is so capable to resume in itself - this is our intention - the visible form and the ideal measure of a social net, offering with naturalness to the users of the park the real possibility of meeting and talking. The work is built like a seat system in modular base 2, in a formal suggestion of a "tête-a-tête" which is multiplied, multipliable and open, naturally contained in the geometric perfection of a circle. And so capable to offer the opportunity to create a social net, between equals, for the existential exchange and the real sharing of time.