2005, Digital Animation
After the revolutionary technical possibilities brought by informatics and graphical software - and especially after the coming of the Internet and of the new frontiers of research made possible by it - the visual and stylistic research has started to run very quickly, favoured by professional competition, comparison at a global level, as well as the branching out of the needs of visual characterization of the products, of the on and off-line publishing, of television networks and of company identities.
Nowadays you can practically find it in every aspect/object of daily life, within a culture planned again (from a visual point of view) as a whole, in which the Graphic Design influences all tendencies and cultural ambits, and, at the same time is influenced from all of them.
This video comes from an exercise consisting of thinking about the concept of projectual attitude. Our intention is that of underlining how implicitly projectual is the structure lying under the aesthetics of Web Interfaces and under the digital logics of their anthropology.
For this reason we worked to define a digital “kit” made by "non inert" objects, that is, really existing animated banners. They have been purposely "washed away" so that they have become no longer fully polarized in relation to a function; then, they have been reassembled in a condition of possible "opening" towards all the directions of necessity and use that can reveal their authentic logical-linguistic root.
In this sense, the video aspires to be a sort of contemporary and digital "still life" in motion, a "mechanical" object kit indeed, which maintains intact its traditional function of representation and emblematic crystallization of the linguistic and aesthetic apparatus of a culture.
Soundtrack in collaboration with Leonardo Ulian