2004, Digital Animation
The video "Netopia" is, in fact, the second chapter of a route, or better, of a check opened in a problematic way with "Openstep". If the previous artwork from one side examined the possibility/need of a rhythmics of the existence and of the conscience and from the other side it rediscovered it as guarantee, howevery, of an ethical, affirmative and open possibility, the new artwork pushes logically and programmatically further. And the object of the investigation is exactly the "nature" of this "further".
In fact, everyone of us makes a performace, collectively and daily: with a few mouseclicks we cross our biological nature, we force our perception of the space and the relativity of time, we conquer an electronic ubiquity.
And so we come to a renewed existential dimension, where conscience & action add each other rhythmically, melting themselves in a luminescent utopia of the Nets, a Netopia.